
Trial from now – 21 June 2023

AIT Library is pleased to inform you that Statista offered us a trial of its database from now until 21 June 2023.

For your information:
Statista is one of the first statistics portals in the world that integrated over 80,000 diverse topics of data and facts from over 22,000 sources onto a single professional platform.

Statista offered us to access:

  • Over 41,000 Third-party studies
  • Over 200,000 Market forecasts covering 40 countries
  • Over 7,000 Dossiers compiled by our industry experts
  • Over 16,000 Infographics (examples can be seen on: Forbes, WSJ, Financial Times, etc…)
  • Digital Market Outlooks and Global Consumers Survey
  • Market data, consumer behavior, demographics, and opinion polls
  • Automatic citation output:  APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, Bluebook
  • Multi-disciplinary platform which provides data across 600 industries

You can download the data in XLS, PPT, PNG, or PDF format.

Video links for a quick introduction to StatistaStatista recorded demo and Consumer Insights (previously known as Global Consumer Survey) Consumer Insights recorded demo which might be helpful for you to have a better understanding of Statista.

Off-campus users access Statista,  you will be required to access this database through AIT VPN.

For how to set up VPN, please follow the steps from the link below.

We hope that this trial database can provide you with useful information for supporting your studies and research.

Should you have any inquiries, comments, or problems with accessing this database, please send your feedback to library@ait.asia.