Membership & Rules

Library Rules

General-AIT Members

  • Please bring your ID card every time you come to the library and not allow other people to use it.
  • A reading place may not be reserved during the reader’s absence from the Library premises.
  • Smoking in the Library is not permitted.
  • Not to leave valuables things when you are away from the desk. The library will decline any responsibility for the lost items.
  • Readers should not interfere with the comfort of other readers or make noise. Group study rooms are available for discussion.
  • Users should avoid resting their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, window sills, etc.
  • Please keep your cell phone on silent mode.
  • Food, soft drinks, coffee, or snacks are not allowed.
  • Children are not allowed.
  • For any emergency case, please contact the Library staff at the desk.

TU and NSTDA members

  • To access AIT Library, faculties, students and staff from Thammasart University, and National Science and Technology require to change your university or institution ID card to the AIT visitor card at the visitor desk. The visitor card can be used to access the library gate from 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.  
  • To search for library materials, please use the PC provided at the Searching Zone
  • All print materials (textbooks, reference books, journals, theses, newspapers, etc.) can be used only in the AIT Library
  • To access the internet or e-resources, please contact the staff at the reference desk.
  • Items can be checked out by using the inter-library loan form. The loan period is two weeks. A late return will be charged 5 Baht per day per item.

Public Services (Visitors)

Members of the public are welcome to visit AIT Library. To access AIT Library, you may request to pay for the entrance fee, 30 Baht per day. The visitor card and the Internet Login are provided to access the library gate and internet.

Public Access to Physical Library

  • Browse all the Library collections, i.e., books, journals, thesis, magazines, and newspapers. However, books and other materials can be used within the Library only.
  • Access to the available computer and log in to the internet by provided login.
  • Access to the Library databases and free e-resources
  • Access to the photocopiers which are available on the 1st floor of the Library. Login for using and photocopy charges are under the supervision of the library staff

Public access to Library database and online databases through the internet.

  • Access to the Library Website and Library Databases for searching Library resource by going to the library website at
  • Access to free e-resources and download through the internet.
  • Access to the subscribed databases for searching but cannot download.

NOTE: Children under 15 are not allowed in the library

Library Materials

  • Books, periodicals or other materials shall not be removed from the library’s premises without being registered at the Circulation counter.
  • Books and bound volumes should be handled with great care. Please avoid keeping the volumes open face down on the table or inserting notebooks or pencils in between the pages and closing them. Pages must not be folded to serve as bookmarks.
  • Defects found in the books and other materials taken out for use or for borrowing should be brought immediately to the notice of the staff on duty. Books borrowed should be protected from any damage.

Ethical Use of Library Resources

  1. Respect for Intellectual Property: Users are expected to honor copyright laws and respect intellectual property rights when accessing and utilizing library resources. This entails refraining from unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials.
  2. Adherence to Fair Use: Recognizing and adhering to the principles of fair use, which permit limited use of copyrighted materials for purposes such as research, education, criticism, and commentary, while maintaining respect for the rights of content creators.
  3. Responsible Usage: Users must engage with library resources responsibly, avoiding behaviors that may result in harm or disruption to others. This includes refraining from accessing or disseminating inappropriate or offensive content.
  4. Accurate Representation: Users are expected to provide truthful information about themselves and their affiliations when accessing library resources, ensuring integrity in their interactions with library services.
  5. Proper Citation Practices: When utilizing library resources for research or academic purposes, users should employ proper citation practices to acknowledge and give credit to the original authors, thereby upholding academic integrity.
  6. Compliance with Access Policies: Users should adhere to library policies governing access to resources, including loan periods, borrowing limits, and usage restrictions, to ensure equitable access for all patrons.
  7. Technology Usage Guidelines: Users accessing digital resources must comply with technology-related policies established by the library, including restrictions on downloading, printing, or distributing digital materials, to safeguard against misuse or infringement.
  8. Respectful Behavior Towards Other Library Users: Users should demonstrate respect and courtesy towards fellow patrons, refraining from disruptive behavior, harassment, or any actions that may compromise the library environment.
  9. Adherence to Legal Requirements: Users are expected to comply with all relevant laws and regulations governing the use of library resources, including those pertaining to copyright, privacy, and data protection, to ensure lawful and ethical conduct.

Electronic Thesis Database Usage Policy

Purpose: The electronic thesis database is a valuable resource provided by Asian Institute of Technology Library to support research, scholarship, and academic inquiry. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for the responsible and ethical use of electronic thesis databases by library patrons.

Access and Eligibility:

  1. Access to the electronic thesis database is available to registered library patrons, including students, faculty, staff, and other authorized users of Asian Institutional of Technology Library.
  2. Non-affiliated users may be granted limited access for research purposes upon request and approval by library staff.

Authorized Use:

  1. Users may access and use electronic thesis database materials for personal research, educational, and scholarly purposes.
  2. Materials from the electronic thesis database may be downloaded, printed, or saved for personal or academic use to support research purposes.
  3. Users must comply with copyright laws and licensing agreements when reproducing, distributing, or sharing thesis materials obtained from the database.

Attribution and Citation:

  1. Users must properly attribute and cite electronic thesis database materials in accordance with academic citation standards and guidelines.
  2. Citation information, including author name, thesis title, publication year, and database source, should be included in all academic papers, presentations, and publications referencing electronic thesis materials.

Responsible Use:

  1. Users are expected to engage with electronic thesis materials responsibly, respecting the intellectual property rights of authors and institutions.
  2. Users must not engage in any unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification of electronic thesis materials.
  3. Users should report any errors, inaccuracies, or concerns regarding electronic thesis database content to library staff for resolution.

Privacy and Confidentiality:

  1. The library respects the privacy and confidentiality of user information associated with electronic thesis database access.
  2. User data, including search history and download activity, may be collected for statistical purposes and library administration, in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.
  3. User information will not be shared with third parties without consent, except as required by law.

Compliance with Policies:

  1. Users must comply with all library policies and guidelines governing the use of electronic thesis databases, including this policy and any additional terms of use specified by database providers.
  2. Violations of library policies may result in suspension or revocation of electronic thesis database access privileges

Feedback and Inquiries:

  1. Users are encouraged to provide feedback, suggestions, or inquiries regarding the electronic thesis database to library staff.
  2. Library staff are available to assist users with questions, technical issues, or other concerns related to electronic thesis database usage.

Adherence to Policy: By accessing and using the electronic thesis database, users agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.

Furniture and Equipment

  • Library furniture or equipment must not be misused or their arrangement is altered.
  • We will hold individuals responsible for any damage to furniture and equipment.


  • Bags and knapsacks are to be kept in the Library’s provided lockers. If not, the Library reserves the right to check every bag.
  • The Locker has to be cleared when you leave the Library. If not, a fine of Baht 100 per day will be charged.

Request for searching library materials

Any library patron can place a request to have materials/books searched when they cannot be found. The patron can make a request in person at the Circulation Desk, or fill in a Request Finding Book Form (Blue Form). The request will be searched 3 times as follows:

  • 1st time – the request will be searched on the day the request is received.
  • 2nd time – the request will be searched two days after the date received.
  • 3rd time – the request will be searched three days after the 2nd time search.

When the book is found, the Library will inform the patron to collect it via e-mail and by phone.

Reserve book on loan

Patrons can reserve a book currently checked out. The reserve will be on queue. Patrons are not allowed to reserve online. They will have to come in person and show their ID card to the Circulation staff.

When the book is available, the Library will inform the patron to collect it via e-mail or by phone.


When a patron needs a book currently checked out, the book may be recalled. The current borrower will be notified via e-mail or by mail. The recalled material(s) must be returned within 10 days of the date recalled. Items that are already due cannot be renewed. Once the recalled item is returned, it will be placed on hold to be collected by requester. A notice will be sent via e-mail or by mail when the book is available.