
Statista is now available! (Now – 31 March 2021)

From Now – 31 March 2021.

To access, please go to

For your information.

  • Statista is one of the first statistics portals in the world to integrate over 80,000 diverse topics of data and facts from over 22,000 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into over 20 market sectors.
  • Statista provides business customers, researchers, and the academic community with direct access to relevant quantitative facts on media, finance, politics, and many more areas of interest. 
  • Sources include market reports, opinion research institutions, trade publications, scientific journals, and government agencies. 
  • Charts can be downloaded in PNG, PowerPoint, Excel, or PDF formats. 

How to use Statista:

As the access has been set up via IP Authentication, off-campus students will be required to access the database through AIT VPN.

How to set up VPN, please follow the steps from the link below.