Book Loan Periods
Maximum number of items and loan periods for general collections categorized by patron types are as follows.

Please note that the materials on loan will not be renewed if they are reserved by another user. Patrons will be noticed by e-mail or by phone.
Reserve course materials.
Items on reserve for course study have shorter loan periods. All materials in this collection such as Files, Books, Document, CD-ROM etc. can be borrowed for only 1 day.
Past examination papers
Past examination papers can be borrowed for 8 hours.
Please contact Reference Section during the office hours: 8.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
UG collection
Books in UG collection can be borrowed for 1 week.
The following library materials shall not be taken out of the library:
- Journals, Periodicals
- Reference Books
- Books in Prof. Wen-Jei Yang Collection
- Books in UGSL Collection
To return library materials after office hours:
Just drop the library materials in the Book Drop which is located on the side of the Library.