Fines & Fees
OVERDUE BOOK FINES will be charged when patron returns or renews library materials late. The overdue book fine is calculated when the book is returned to the Library. The patron has to pay the overdue book fines at the Circulation Desk.
Overdue charge for a late-return item:
- Internal user = 5 Baht per day
- External user = 10 Baht per day
Overdue charge for a late-return item on the reserve course collection:
- 20 Baht per day
(NOTE: Overdue charge will be applied to both library books and personal books that are in the reserved course collection)
Library Automation System automatically blocks patrons who have accrued overdue fines more than 100 Baht. Patrons with blocked accounts will not be able to check out new books or renew books on loan until the fine is settled.
Reminder for books nearly due and Overdue notices
The Library will remind the users of books nearly due at least two days before the due date.
Overdue notices will be sent to users who are liable for fines via e-mail at least two days after due date.
Patrons can check due dates on all items checked out to them as well as renew them by logging in the library website ( Then, click on menu “Services” and choose “View your check-out items.“
Lost Book Fines and Replacement charges
A lost book may be recovered through either of the following charging options :
- Value of the lost book plus a processing fee of 200 Baht/item.
- Patrons may buy a new book to replace the lost book. The replacement must be of the same or newer edition plus a processing fee of 200 Baht/item.
- If the lost book is already out of print, the charges shall be the most recent value of the lost book plus a processing fee of 200 Baht/item.
- If a replacement book cannot be found, and there is an urgent need to settle charges (e.g. at the time of final clearance), the following charges shall be made :
- Charge of 3 Baht/page.
- Processing fee of 200 Baht/item.
- Binding charge of 200 Baht/item.
AIT Thesis, Dissertation and RSPR
- Photocopy charge of 1 Baht/page.
- Processing fee of 200 Baht/item
- Binding charge of 200 Baht/item.
- Over due charges at 5 Baht/day shall also be applied.
- Please contact the library immediately if the materials on loan are lost.
- If lost items are later found, they must be returned to the Library (with no refund).
Damaged items

If library materials on loan are damaged, patrons will be billed for the cost of repair. Patrons who return the items which are damaged by intentional misuse (including highlighting, underlining in pencil or ink, or use of adhesive notes) may be charged a fee depending on the severity of the damage. If the materials cannot be repaired, patrons will be billed for a replacement charge plus a fee of 200 Baht for processing for each item. If damage is noticed, patrons are requested to alert the Circulation staff.
Entrance fee
- External user = 30 Baht
Annual membership fees
- Individual = 3,000 Baht/Year + 2,000 Baht for deposit.
- Company = 5,000 Baht/Year + 2,000 Baht for deposit.
Last updated: 14 June 2022